
Showing posts from March, 2021

Recognizing Self-sabotage and How to build a trusting relationship with YOU

As I type this (in March 2021) it is fairly still the beginning of the year. Yet the New Year buzz has  settled down and most people are settling into the hum drum of their day to day. Yesterday I came across a journaling prompt from this YouTube video I was watching, the prompt was;  What are 1 or 2 of your 2021 New Years resolution(s)? And how do they make you feel now? Just hearing the prompt felt like a kick to the gut. When I reflect on the past two months, heck even just my life in general, I don't feel I am where I could be mainly due to self sabotage. When I have spoken to family and friends about it most of them share similar sentiments of having gone through or still experience some form of self sabotage. Let's define Self-sabotage Sabotage as a verb is defined as to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. This word dates back to the early 20th century: from French, from saboter ‘kick with sabots, willful